
Checkers Free

by Jon Schlegel

Have you been searching for a free checkers application for your iPhone or iPod Touch? if so, look no further - Checkers Free is the premier free checkers application for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Checkers Free supports both 1 player and 2 player gameplay, so you can play against friends or test your skills against a challenging computer opponent. If you're really bored, you can even put the game in computer vs. computer mode and watch your phone play itself.

Even though the application is free, we haven't skimped on the features. Checkers Free includes a host of exciting features, including:

* Great graphics and exciting sound effects
* Configurable player names and score tracking
* Outstanding AI engine provided by renowned checkers AI researcher and developer Martin Fierz
* Fully configurable 1 player difficulty level
* Undo function if you accidentally hit the wrong square
* Forced jumps option allows you to choose whether you want to play with forced captures
* Ability to save your game when you exit the app or receive a phone call

Checkers Free currently plays American Checkers (i.e., no flying kings). In future versions, we will add the ability to use other checkers rule sets.

Checkers Free is supported by unobtrusive banner advertising. If you are interested in an advertisement, please click on it so that we can continue to provide you with exciting free games.

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