

by Goruk

Swim, flip and dive as a Dolphin does. You get to be a dolphin in this multiple mode game.

Race against time to collect the most points in timed modes.

Compete for distance or height in jumping modes.

See if you are the fastest in distance race modes.
Game Play

Flips speed you up and good landings increase your combo bonus.

Collect rings to increase speed and gain more combo multipliers.

Keep your combo up to increase points.

Compete against the world with online high scores.

See if you can jump over the moon …
Game Modes
1000 and 2000 Meter Timed Race Modes

Try to get the fastest time in the world.
2 Minute, 1 Minute and 60 Second Point Modes

Collect the most points before the time runs out.
Free Swim

Swim freely in the ocean or go for achievements.
Long Jump

Compete for the furthest jump.
High Jump

Compete for the highest jump.
Open Feint

Open Feint Integration
Over 10 achievements
Separate score boards for each game play mode.
Over 800 game score points to be had.

Many comments from people have been incorporated into this game.
Leave comments in the reviews or on our site
U pdates

All new game play modes
New menu screen
New high score/achievement system
New button control mode
OpenFeint integration
Faster Loading

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