G-Wallpaper is an ideal tool to search wallpaper for your iPhone/iPod touch. It is fast and easy to use.
Simply enter your search keyword or phrase, and tap the search button. G-Wallpaper will start fetching images and photos from Google, and displays them in a 3 x 2 thumbnail page. The built-in engine will optimize the search for iPhone wallpaper. Swiping the thumbnail page will go to the previous or next page. You can keep swiping or tap 'Go' button to go to any page, or shake your iPhone/iPod touch to go to a random page. Tap a thumbnail to see the high quality original image/photo in a full screen mode, and then tap the action button at the bottom left to copy image, to save image to your photo albums, to go to original web site.
- Fast loading speed.
- Save image/photo to your photo albums.
- Support landscape full screen mode.
- Support image/photo search with a specific color.
- Control the search results by color (any color, black and white, full color, specific color).
- Control the search results by filter (no filter, moderate filter, strict filter).
- Link to original web page.
- Support high quality original image/photo.
- Copy image/photo and paste to other apps.
- Touch image/photo thumbnail to display a full-sized image/photo.
- Keep your last 20 search history.
- Swipe to delete record in the recent history.
- Go to any page from the search results.
- Swipe the thumbnail page to go to next/previous page.
- Shake your iPhone/iPod touch to go to a random page.
- Support image/photo zoom using the pinch gesture.
- Save the entire search keyword and settings.
- Support bookmarks.