A simple and the most popular tip calculator for calculating the tip or for splitting the bill evenly among multiple people.
"Absolutely the best App! I have used it everyday for over 6 months…love it!" - Edtheshark
"If you look around and compare all of the apps that do what this one does, this one STANDS ALONE!!! I wish all of the apps were done as proper as this one - my wife and I both use it all of the time." - aruble69
Features include:
• Quick and accurate calculation of tip.
• Option to not tip on the tax.
• Round tip, round total, and ability to always round up.
• Split the bill among multiple people.
• Uses your local currency or optionally pick a currency.
• Post the amount of the bill directly to PocketMoney. (Download PocketMoney LITE. It's free.)
(* When redesigning CheckPlease for 3.0, I looked at all of the other tip calculators on the AppStore. Each had features I liked, and each had features I disliked I took combined features from several of them. BigTipper (keypad), TipTap (side-by-side scrollers), and Tip (Exact/Round selector and layout, but there's only so many ways to fit a keypad and side-by-side scroller on the screen).
CheckPlease™ has been calculating tips for users since 1995 starting with the Newton OS, migrated to the Palm OS, and now the iPhone OS.
Graphic design by Image Limited, Ltd
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: There are some reviewers posting that CheckPlease is calculating the tip wrong. CheckPlease is calculating the tip correctly and does not tip on tax if you have a tax rate set. If you think it is calculating something wrong, then contact me at [email protected] or in the forums, and I'll help you.
The most common error users have is they have rounding turned on, or they have a tax rate set.