
Calorie Tracker by LIVESTRONG.COM

by Demand Media, Inc.

Ever been curious about how many calories are in that dish you’re about to order? Or, how much fat is in that tuna melt at the diner down the street? The free LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker can help you find that information and keep a digital diary of your daily calories. And best of all, it's from LIVESTRONG.COM, a joint partnership with with Lance Armstrong Foundation and Demand Media.

The application lets you look up or track your daily caloric, fat, carbohydrate and protein intake with the click of a button. You will have access to The Daily Plate at LIVESTRONG.COM, which offers a comprehensive nutrition database of more than 525,000 food and restaurant items. Most major competitors only have 7,000 items in their database.

You can also find and track the amount of calories you can burn in our database of exercises and activities. Caloric burn is calculated based personally on your measurements. Whether you want to lose, maintain or gain weight, the LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker will help you achieve your diet and nutritional goals.

This application is a companion tool for members of The Daily Plate at LIVESTRONG.COM for $2.99. There is also a free service (www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate). Additional online features include support groups, forums on a variety of topics and expert Q&A.

The LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker offers:

* The largest database of food and restaurant items
* Customized daily calorie intake based on your goals
* Weight tracking on your phone and online, with a bi-directional synch from web to phone
* A diary of your caloric, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrate, sugar, fiber and protein intake

Note: You can still track the fitness database and any food items you've tracked before even when you are offline. The items will sync the next time you use the device on a network.

The LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker is a diet coach, nutritionist, and food planner at your fingertips.

www.livestrong.co m/thedailyplate

For any questions or help with the application, check out our support forum: http://www.livestrong.com/forums/vi ewforum.php?f=26

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