

by Melodis

Sing it, say it, type it, or grab it.

midomi gives you the ultimate music search - fast, easy, and natural!

Access 17+ million song samples, artists & band pictures, biographies & album reviews, with links to iTunes & YouTube.

Sing Search: find a song just by singing or humming a few bars. Try it!

Say Search: use your voice to find music and artists by saying their name!

Type Search: forget the spelling; type a few letters of the artist's name or song.

Grab Search: hold your iPhone up to a tv or radio & in seconds you can identify the song.

Share your beat - add your favorite song by visiting


midomi is Now Available for the iPod Touch!

- Users of the original iPod Touch will be able to search by typing.

- Users of the new iPod Touch will also be able to use sing, say, and grab searches by plugging in any wired cell phone headset compatible with the iPhone.

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