
Who is Hot?

by Weather Underground

Discover who your fair weather friends are!

Instantly check the current weather for all friends and family in your iPhone or iTouch contacts folder. View a list of your contacts alongside current temperatures and general conditions for each person’s default location. Each entry is color-coded according to temperature and touching the weather conditions icon next to any contact will automatically take you to a detailed weather report for that location.

Using the iPhone’s GPS function, your current location’s weather conditions are always listed first, so the application acts as a digital thermometer. The distance between your current location and each of your contacts is also displayed. You can sort your contacts list by this distance – or by contact name and temperature.

Step off a plane anywhere in the world and instantly check the local weather conditions or see who your nearest contacts are. Alternatively, you can check on the weather for your friends and family back home.

Download for free now and find out who is hot and who is not.

version 1.2 will fix a lot of the known issues - look for it coming soon.

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