Submit an app

You have chosen express submission. Your submission will be reviewed within 5 business days. Usually it takes only a few days though. If for some reason your submission is rejected, the payment will be fully refunded.

App data

Please fill in the form below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Developer name:
Developer's name as it appears in the AppStore
Developer's website:
We will use the e-mail to inform you about your submission state
App Title: *
Category: *
Device support:
Main Screenshot URL:
JPEG or PNG. We need a valid URL to fetch the screenshot from. If you do not have a screenshot hosted anywhere, please upload it somewhere like and input the direct link (hotlink)
Icon URL:
See the notes above. We will accept PNG or JPEG of any size, but the larger the better
App price in US Dollars:
For free apps please enter 0
Comma separated
Program info page URL:
We will provide this link next to the AppStore link
Demo video:
If you have a demo video uploaded to YouTube or alike
AppStore ID:<ID> should point to the app page in the AppStore. We need this to generate the AppStore link correctly. If you are not sure, leave it blank.
No HTML is allowed, line breaks are preserved. Just like in the AppStore.
Promo code:
If possible please provide us with a promo code

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