I would like to thank you for the contents and informations provided by your website, and briefly present you our new app for iPhone available now on App Store.
DocumentScanner is the new app developed by Zirak s.r.l. (already knew for EasyTrails GPS and PhotoGallery) will turn your iPhone into a pocket scanner for your documents.
With DocumentScanner you could scan pages, refine them, save them in JPG , combine them in PDF documents and share through wifi, e-mail or internet thanks to Google Docs compatibility.
To create PDF multi-pages documents (also protected with password) it is so easy: flip trough among the available pictures, touch for select or deselect them and drag them to arrange as you prefer.
Simple and powerful image enhancing tools. Let DocumentScanner to automatically enhance the image for you, or manually fix perspective deformations, tune brightness, contrast and color saturation. And thanks to the preview you can see in real time the result of your choice!
Are you in a hurry right now and have no time to waste enhancing images? No worries, with the quick shot button you will be adding pictures to the application as fast as your iPhone can handle them! You can edit them later on if you want. Actually, if you edit an image that is already being used in one or more PDF documents, they will be automatically regenerated for you.
With DocumentScanner you can:
* take pictures
* let DocumentScanner automatically enhance picture quality
* manually alter brightness, contrast, color intensity
* correct perspective deformations
* combine pictures into multipage PDF documents
* store any number of pictures and PDF documents
* protect PDF documents with a password
DocumentScanner requires no Internet connection except for e-mail or Google Docs sharing.
There are several ways to share your data:
* send pictures and documents via e-mail
* use your web browser to get them over Wi-Fi with our easy to use web interface
* publish them to any Google Docs account (you can configure as many accounts as you like)
* pictures can also be exported to iPhone's camera roll or copied to the clipboard
* WebDav and iDisk support coming soon!
As for the other apps by Zirak the 10% of incomes will be donated for Environmental projects. Right now the Micro-Donations are devolved to Amurt Haiti
http://itunes.apple.com /it/app/documentscanner/id342464953 ?mt=8
If you would like to have further informations, some screenshots and a redeem code feel free to write me back. It will be my pleasure to answer you.
Best regards,