

by Rodrigo Neri

myHomework is a simple and easy to use iPhone application that allows you to keep track of your homework, classes, projects and tests while interacting with a really cool design. myHomework’s design tends to resemble our day to day notebook, the sections are separated by colorful “sticky pads” that marks the page.

You can quickly enter your class schedule and use it to differ between homework assignments. myHomework will also notify you when you have late and upcoming assignments by numbering them on your application icon. Late assignments will be marked in red, next day upcoming assignments will be marked in orange, and all other upcoming assignments will be marked in blue. So you can easily identify which homework you definitely need to look into.

Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you find any problems or if you have any questions or suggestions.

myHomework will always be kept free of charge. So try it out!!!

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